June 14th, 2022

Traverse City Music Boosters Meeting

June 14, 2022

In Attendance

Jill Jenkins

Wendee Wolf-Schlarf

Thomas Hoxsie

Heather Hoxsie

Krissy Kernan

Heather Asiala

Alline Beutler

Meeting called to order at 6:31 pm

Approval of April Meeting Minutes

Jill motioned to approve. Heather H. seconded.

Music Director’s Report

There are two openings for orchestra teachers. Wendee and the staff have been pleased with the quality of the candidates. Two offers will be made this week. Other open positions include a general music teacher and someone to cover CHS choirs during Tami William’s extended leave of absence.

West High School bands have been selected to perform at the Michigan Music Conference in January 2023 in Grand Rapids.

There has not been an announcement yet from either high school about the musicals for next year.

The music calendars are completed for the 2022-2023 school year. Overall, the 2021-2022 school year has gone well for music classes, even through all the challenges of the ongoing pandemic.

Treasurer’s Report

33 people donated online for the benefit concert and 100% of online donors covered the fees. Give butter has worked well as an online payment option for donors.

Over $5,000 was raised from the benefit concert which was the most raised in several years.

TCC and TCW Organization Updates

West Choir Parents- The end of year banquet went well. 10 scholarships were awarded including two to incoming freshmen.

Vice President Open Position

Heather Asiala was nominated to fill the VP position for one year. Jill motioned to approve. Alline seconded it.

Benefit Concert

The idea of finding several sponsors that would provide lead gifts to cover the expenses for the concert was discussed. There was a suggestion of reaching out to elementary families that might own businesses that could support the benefit concert so as not to compete with the fundraising for the musical and parent organization sponsorships. $1500 was set as the goal to raise for next year’s concert with $250 and $500 as the suggested sponsorship levels. Deciding how to differentiate the sponsorship levels still needs to be finalized but all agreed that it should be kept simple, and no gifts should be offered to sponsors.

Used Instrument Sale

The sale will be held on September 10 at West Middle School. A chair for the sale is still needed. It was decided that band and orchestra parents from both sides of town will be approached to take on the leadership of the sale.

Meeting Dates for 2022-2023 the school year

The following dates were agreed on for next year:

Tuesday, August 9, 6:30 pm at Boardman

Thursday, September 29, 7:00 pm at West High School *Annual Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, 6:30 pm at Boardman

Tuesday, January 17, 6:30 pm at Boardman

Tuesday, April 18, 6:30 pm at Boardman

Tuesday, June 13, 6:30 pm at Boardman

New Business

Tom Hoxsie talked about updates he has made to the TC Music Boosters website. Looking to the future, it would be helpful to have more professional email addresses to connect to the website. Tech Soup offers tech resources to nonprofits at low or no cost. Tom and Krissy will look into getting Music Boosters set up with Google Workspace through Tech Soup this summer.

Plans are in the works to have a fundraising letter sent out to supporters early May next year. The letter will promote the benefit concerts, as well as provide information and a case statement for donating to Music Boosters. The database provided through Give Butter will help create a better list of potential concert attendees and donors than we have currently. Hopefully over time the list of committed donors in the database will grow.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.

The next Music Boosters Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9 at 6:30 at the Boardman Administration Building.

Respectfully submitted by Alline Beutler