

Used Instrument Sale

Do you have an instrument to buy or sell? This is your day! The Traverse City Music Boosters is holding a Used Instrument Sale on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at Traverse City West Middle School. If you have an instrument to sell, drop it off between 9:00 am and 11:30 am. Appraisers will be available to help determine the value of your instrument. Return between 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm to pick up your check or your unsold instrument. TC Music Boosters keeps 15% of all sales to fund student scholarships and music classroom mini-grants, the rest is yours! If you would like to buy an instrument, shop from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted. The sale is open to the public. TCAPS music teachers and students will be on hand to help you select the perfect instrument. Questions? Please call the TCAPS Music Department Office at 933-6984.  To learn more, click the link below: 

 1st Annual College Night & Annual Membership Meeting

Our annual meeting is held in late September. The location alternates between West Senior High School and Traverse City Centeral High School. Come learn what the Boosters do an how you can help, while enjoying a performance by a TCAPS music ensemble. TCAPS music staff, parents and students are encouraged to attend.  In addition to our annual meeting, Traverse City Music Boosters will be doing it's 1st ever College Night!  This is an opportunity to meet with some colleges to specifically learn what to expect if your student is considering a music major, music minor, the audtion process and all things music in the college setting!  More info in the link below.

West Senior High Flower Sale

The Boosters also sell flowers in mid November at all performances of the West side Fall Musical. Look for our table in the Commons before the show or during intermission, to buy flowers for your cast, crew and pit musicians. You can personalize a note, and we will take care of delivery backstage!

Central High School Flower Sale

Flowers are available for purchase at all performances of the Fall Musical in early November. Buy an individual flower or bouquet for your favorite actors, crew, and pit musicians, and we will deliver them backstage before the conclusion of the show! We are proud to provide this service and fundraiser.

Special Concerts & Tributes

Occasionally Music Boosters will sponsor special concerts and tribute events for indiduals or groups that have had significant impact on the TCAPS music program.  It is our hope to spotlight these individuals/groups so that the next generation of musicians know how it is that music became so wonderful at TCAPS.  Click the link below to learn about the next special concert/tribute!

Boosters Benefit Concert

Our annual music extravaganza in late May features performances of our finest band, choir and orchestra ensembles. Musicians from TC West Senior High, TC Central High School, West Middle School and East Middle school are all represented. Donations are accepted during the concert to benefit the work of the TC Music Boosters.