January 18th 2022

In Attendance

Wendee Wolf-Schlarf

Eileen Mikulski

Thomas Hoxsie

Heather Hoxsie

Linda Blakkan

Krissy Kernan

Alline Beutler

Meeting was called to order at 6:38pm. November meeting minutes were approved.

Music Director’s Report

Music staff is happy to be back in person after a crazy transition back from holiday break with the school closures and virtual classes due to staffing shortages. Preparations are underway for festivals- solo ensembles coming up soon and large ensembles in March.

Fifth into sixth grade music explorations started today in general music classrooms. This is an opportunity to help students decide between choir, orchestra, and band and choose an instrument if they select band or orchestra.

The Michigan Music Conference is next week. Bill Engle’s memorial helped fund the general music teachers so they can attend the conference. There are high school students representing TCAPS in the honors ensembles at MMC and Bel Canto from WHS and Vocal Majority from CHS will perform. There is a send off concert this Sunday, January 23, at 3:00pm at West High School. Michelle Zebell will be honored at Michigan Music Conference as an emeritus choir director. Both Erich Wangeman and Tami Williams have been nominated for MSVMA teacher of the year.

The WHS musical, Mama Mia, is in production currently. CHS is finishing up auditions for Crazy For You and will begin rehearsals next week.

Treasurer’s Report

Five scholarships have been paid since the November meeting. There was also a donation and smile rewards collected since November. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

Upcoming Scholarship Auditions

There has been a challenge in finding private music teachers for some of the 2021 scholarship recipients. Decisions will be made soon about offering the scholarship to an alternate or the funds might go unused.

This year’s auditions take place on February 2. West band and choir auditions will take place at West High School. West orchestra auditions will take place at West Middle School. Central and East band auditions will take place at East Middle School. Central and East choir and orchestra auditions will take place at Central High School. As of right now, not many students have signed up. Eileen requested names for volunteers in case they are needed as we get closer to the date.

TCC and TCW updates

West Choir Parents- There was an online auction that started at the holiday concert in December and continued for three days until the Mix and Mingle event. It was a great success. Many great donations and lots of bids and the events were both well attended. Right now, the Choir Parent Org is focused on supporting solo ensemble which is hosted at WHS this weekend, and the MMC sendoff concert, and Mama Mia.

Mini Grant Update

All the requests from the mini grants have been ordered or purchased. It looks like the total will come in about $600 under the approved amount.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:16pm.

The next regular Music Boosters Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 at the Boardman Administration Building.

It looks like the annual Music Booster Benefit Concert is going to happen! Please save the date- May 26 7:00pm at Central High School.

Respectfully submitted by Alline Beutler