2022 Benefit Concert

2022 Music Boosters Benefit Concert

If you missed our 2022 Music Boosters Benefit Concert, you can catch here via TCAPS Media! If you enjoy what you see, please consider donating to TC Music Boosters so that we can continue to create scholarship opportunities for our band, orchestra and choir students of TCAPS. The donate link is below

2022 Music Boosters Benefit Concert Dedication

Larry Burden

Creative Services Manager-TCAPS Media

Every year the TCAPS Music Department staff selects an individual or group that goes above and beyond with their support of the TCAPS Music Program. This year we dedicate the 2022 Music Booster Benefit concert to an individual who has definitely been behind the scenes - especially during COVID. This individual was instrumental in allowing us to share our music with family and friends during the last two years by spending countless hours recording and editing professional video that we could share with our audiences here and far away. His creative genius has also allowed us to share our musical explorations when we have traveled abroad by filming performances and providing interviews with students as they experience different cultures and then sharing them with family and friends who were not able to travel with us.

How you can support!

Your donation goes to support student scholarships and classroom mini-grants! If you are attending our Music Boosters Concert, please note that the suggested donation is $5 per person or $20 for a family. For your convenience you may use the following methods of payment:

ApplePay, PAYPAL, VENMO, CREDIT CARD or Mail a check