2023 Annual Meeting

Traverse City Area Music Boosters - College Information Night/Annual Meeting

Words of welcome from Traverse City Area Music Boosters…


Traverse City Music Boosters is a group created to support TCAPS' student musicians and music teachers, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. If you have a child in TCAPS music, you are a Music Booster! Each year we provide mini-grants to music teachers and 18 $400 scholarships to students who want to further their music education through private lessons or summer camps.


This year we are hosting a College Information Night on Thursday, September 28, from 6:00 to 7:00 for students who are considering pursuing a degree in music, performance, or musical theatre in the Central HS Orchestra room. We will also have information for students who want to participate in music in college but not necessarily work towards a degree. We will have a panel discuss the audition and application process as well as how you can start preparing.


Immediately following the panel discussion we will hold our Annual Meeting (7:00-7:30).